Energy management

Main meter report

The Main meter report shows the consumption of purchased energy in the selected building by type of energy. Purchased energy includes electricity, heat, water and cooling, all of which have a separate graph on the main meter report.

The consumption can be compared with a target set for each building by the administrator.

Energy management


info Note

The main meter report only shows the amount of purchased energy. The total energy consumption may differ from the amount of purchased energy.


Energy management Overview

Information selected for the report

Selecting the year

The consumption of purchased energy is shown by year by default. Select the desired year from the Select year drop-down menu.

info Note

The daily or monthly information can be seen in the monthly or daily view.


Year selection

Selecting the building

If more than one building has been specified in the Portal, the information of the building’s purchased energy is shown on a building-specific basis. Select the desired building from the Select building drop-down menu.

Building selection


info Note

The administrator specifies the buildings shown to the user.

Downloading a report

A report on the consumption of purchased energy for the selected building and year can be downloaded as a PDF file by clicking the Download PDF-file button (Download PDF-file) in the top right corner of the screen.

In the window that opens, select the types of energy to be included in the report.

Selecting the energy types for the report

After selecting the desired energy types, download the PDF file by clicking the Download PDF-file button.

Downloading a report

Report graphs

The consumption graphs can be viewed on three different levels


You can browse the views by drilling into the selected value on the graph. Click a column in the graph to drill into the graph.

Drilling into the graph

You can return to the previous view by clicking the Back button in the top right corner.

Back button

The values presented in the graph can also be shown by clicking the Show values button in the top right corner.

Show values button

Year view

The year view shows the consumption values of purchased energy for the selected year by month. The monthly consumption can be compared to the target values.

Year view for the electricity graph

Month view

The month view shows the consumption values of purchased energy for the selected month by day.

Month view for the electricity graph

info Note

The target values are only shown in the year view.

Day view

The day view shows the purchased energy consumption values for the selected day by hour.

Day view for the electricity graph

info Note
  The target values are only shown in the year view.

Energy types

Each type of energy has its own graph that displays the consumption compared to the target.

The consumption and target values and the deviation percentage are shown in the table below the graph. The deviation percentage tells how well the consumption matches with the target.

The total amount of purchased energy is shown in the Total column of each table.


The Electricity graph shows the amount of purchased electricity for the selected time period.

Electricity graph

Heat norm.

The Heat norm. graph shows the amount of purchased electricity used for heating for the selected time period.

Heat norm. graph

info Note

The values of the Heat norm. graph can be normalized by selecting the Normalized check box in the top right corner of the graph.


The Water graph shows the amount of purchased water consumed during the selected time period.

Water graph


The Cooling graph shows the amount of purchased electricity used for cooling during the selected time period.

Cooling graph



Meter readings registration

Meter readings registration is a tool that can be used to register meter readings in the system manually. If the building’s meter readings are not read automatically, this tool can be used to enter them manually.

Entering meter readings into the system

Required information

The following information is required to register meter readings:

  1. Building
  2. The meter, whose readings will be registered
  3. Meter reading
  4. Date when the meter reading was read
  5. Comment (not required)


info Note

If the meter reading is entered with a decimal, the language selected in the Variable: Portaali is not defined in the project. determines the decimal separator. (Use a comma ',' in Finnish and a period '.’ in English)

Viewing previous readings

Open the previous readings by clicking the Previous readings... button.

Meter readings registration Previous readings button

The following window opens.

Meter readings registration Previous readings

info Note

Consumption is a value usually calculated automatically for each meter reading that indicates the difference between the new and the previous reading. 
You need to add Consumption manually if Registering event is Meter Breakage or Consumption.

Saving the meter reading

In order to save the new meter reading in the system, click the Save button. The Cancel button clears the meter reading fields.


info Quick help is found in the tooltip




Different Registering Event types


  • Meter reading
    • Normal meter reading, not Meter Rotation, Meter readings start or Meter Breakage.
    • Reading date and Meter reading needed to input.
    • Consumption is calculated automatically.


  • Meter rotation
    • When Meter has rotated over. 
    • Maximum meter reading, Reading date and Meter reading is needed to input.
    • Consumption is calculated automatically



  • Meter readings start
    • First meter reading in series. Meter has been changed to new or used.
    • Reading date and Meter reading is needed to input.
    • Consumption is not calculated before the next registration.


  • Meter breakage
    • When meter has been broken and meter readings series start again.
    • Reading date, meter reading and estimated consumption during the breakage need to be inputted.
    • Consumption is not calculated but user estimated consumption is used if it is added.

  • Consumption
    • Only Consumption Meter readings are not used.
    • Reading date and Consumption is needed to input.