Energy reports

Building's year comparison report

On the Building's year comparison report, you can see quickly how the energy consumption, CO2 emissions and the Indoor air quality and Indoor thermal conditions stability have developed during the year and compare them to the previous years.

The values of the selected year are compared with the values of the two previous years, and the results are presented with the accuracy of a month in both a graphic format and as a table. This makes it possible to see the overall situation at a glance.

Energy reports Overview

Information selected for the report

Selecting the building

Select the building from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the page.

Property selection


The building structure of a building can be selected with the drop-down menus Portfolio > building > Building structure.

Selecting the building structure


info Note

The energy report shows the consumption of the selected building or building structure, but the KPI values refer to the building, not the building structure.

Selecting the year

Select the desired year from the Year drop-down menu.

Selecting the year


The KPI values of the previous year can be seen in the top right corner of the report.

KPI values

Normalized heat

Normalized heat consumption values can be shown on the report by selecting the Heat norm. check box.

Normalized heat

Contents of the report

Energy consumption information

The consumption of heat, electricity, water and cooling is compared to the consumption of two previous years with the accuracy of a month. Each type of energy is presented separately in its own graph.

The consumption is shown both as a bar graph and as a table, which makes it possible to study the values in more detail. In addition, the table presents the costs, the target for the year being reviewed, and the change in the type of energy in question compared to the previous year.

Heat consumption

Heat consumption

Electricity consumption

Electricity consumption

Water consumption

Water consumption



CO2 emissions

The CO2 emissions are compared to the two previous years. The emissions of the selected year are shown as a whole in the table next to the graph as well as divided by types of energy. In addition, the targets are stated, and the change compared to the previous year is calculated.

CO2 emissions

Indoor air quality stability

The indoor air quality stability is compared to the two previous years.

Indoor air quality stability

Indoor thermal conditions stability

The indoor thermal conditions stability is compared to the two previous years.

Indoor thermal conditions stability


Submeter report

In the Submeter report, the consumption readings of the submeters on the building or building structure can be studied. There may be several submeters, and you can compare the consumption between different months and submeters.

You can select the desired information to be shown in the submeter report in accordance with the section Information selected for the report, after which you can update the information on the page by clicking the Show button.

Information selected for the report

Selecting the building

Select the desired building from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the page.

Property selection

Selecting the year

Select the desired year from the Year drop-down menu.

Selecting the year

Selecting the energy type

The energy type selection buttons can be used to select the specific type of energy, the submeter readings of which you want to view. Selecting All means that the data points are not limited by energy type.

Selecting the energy type

Selecting the building structure

By selecting the building structure you can limit the number of submeter readings available.

Selecting the building structure

Selecting the data points

Select the data points you want to review from the Data points drop-down menu.

Selecting the data points

info Note

Several data points can be selected for the report.


Other information on the report

Timestamps, exact values and costs can also be shown on the report by selecting the relevant check box.

Other information on the report

Viewing submeter readings

After the desired information has been selected, the monthly consumption values of the submeter readings as well as the other information selected above are updated in the table. The table can be used to compare submeter readings as well as monthly values.

Submeter report

info Note

There is a search field on the top of the table that can be used to search the submeter readings based on a search word.


Downloading the report as an Excel file

The submeter readings can be downloaded as a separate Excel file by clicking the Export to file (xlsx) button in the top right corner of the table.

Export to file (xlsx) button