Feedback reporting

On the Feedback reporting page, one can examine user feedback that is given to questions related to indoor conditions. The feedback is illustrated using various charts.


The feedback is received from channels. Each location may have several channels. The channels whose feedback is examined are selected using a dropdown selection that is located at the top of the page. When the channel selections are changed, the feedback shown in each chart changes accordingly.

Feedback reporting channels


Presenting feedback data is divided to 9 sections. The first one is summary. It presents the amount of feedback given to each question as a function of time. Additionally, the amount of different answers given to each question is shown. One can thus use the summary section to detect if certain kind of feedback has been given to a question so that the feedback of the question must be examined in more detail.

Feedback reporting summary


The other parts of the page are used for examining the feedback of different questions individually. There are 8 different questions, and the feedback of each question is illustrated using two charts. The first one describes the amount of different answers as a function of time. The second one illustrates the total amount of each answer.

Using a dropdown selection, a condition measurement related to a question can be added to the bar chart that plots feedback data as a function of time. A line will then plot measurements of certain quantity. For example, one can attach a temperature measurement to the question that asks for feedback of room temperature. This feature makes it easier to understand why users have given certain feedback during different periods of time and how the changes in indoor conditions have affected the way the users perceive the conditions.

Feedback reporting question

If the timespan that is selected for feedback examination is multiple days, the feedback data will be grouped by day based on the timestamp. The potential condition measurement will then show the average value of the quantity for each day. If the timespan is one day, the feedback data is grouped to 10-minute time slots, and the condition measurement uses measured values.