
The Overview shows at a glance what is going on with the buildings and whether targets are being met. On the pages, you can see whether the KPIs and targets of portfolios and buildings are being met as desired. There is a map view, which makes it easy to spot buildings where targets are not being met, for example.

The purpose of the overview is to provide information about buildings at a glance. You can adjust the page layout and contents based on what you need.

Overview overall picture



Selection of data

Selecting the building

Select the portfolio and building in the drop-down menus at the top of the page.

Selecting the building


info Note

Select all lets you select all the buildings in the portfolio.



Selecting the year

Selecting the year

Select the year whose data you want to view in the drop-down menu at the top of the page.



Overview settings

 You can edit overview settings in a pop-up window that opens at the gear symbol (Gear symbol).

Page settings



Page style

Page style defines Portal style.

Select the style by selecting Dark style or Light style.

Selecting the style


Unit system

Unit system defines the default system of units used in the Portal.

You can select the system of units used in a drop-down menu.

Selecting the unit system


Overview template

Overview template defines the template on which the selected data is displayed. There are several template options, which are presented in section Overview templates in this guide.

You can select the overview template used in a drop-down menu.

Overview template


KPIs shown in the overview

You can select four important KPIs with values you want to view for the overview. If you have selected a template with map view, the selected KPIs will show in the map view.

You can select the KPIs in the drop-down menus.

KPIs shown in the overview

info Note
  KPI1 shows in the map view by default.


Saving the settings

Remember to save the changes to overview settings by selecting the Save button. The Portal remembers the changes made, so the next time you use the overview, your saved settings will be used.

Save button



Overview templates

Yearly KPIs with map

The Yearly KPIs with map template allows you to view the four KPIs selected on a yearly basis.

Yearly KPIs with map

Each KPI is shown as a separate indicator at the top of the page. The KPI displayed by each indicator is for all of the buildings selected.

The table under the indicators shows building-specific KPIs for each building selected.

The map view shows the status of the buildings selected in terms of the KPI selected. Use of the map view is described in section Map in this guide.


Yearly KPIs without map

The Yearly KPIs without map template allows you to view the four KPIs selected on a yearly basis.

Yearly KPIs without map

Each KPI is shown as a separate indicator at the top of the page. The KPI displayed by each indicator is for all of the buildings selected.

The table under the indicators shows building-specific KPIs for each building selected.


Monthly KPIs

The Monthly KPIs template allows you to view the four KPIs selected on a monthly basis.

Monthly KPIs

Each KPI is shown as a separate indicator at the top of the page. The KPI displayed by each indicator is for all of the buildings selected.

The KPI-specific graphs under the indicators make it possible to compare the KPIs with the targets set.


Yearly KPIs on big map

With the Yearly KPIs on big map template, you can specify the buildings shown on the map in regard to yearly KPIs.

You can use the selectors at the top of the page to specify a minimum and maximum value for one or more KPIs, and the buildings within that range are shown on the map.

Consumption selector

info Note
  You can change the selector’s minimum and maximum value by dragging the selector to the desired value.


Use of the map component is described in section Map in this guide.

Yearly KPIs on big map


Yearly metrics on big map

With the Yearly metrics on big map template, you can view the desired metric on a yearly basis in map view.

You can select one or more buildings to show on the map. Select the buildings in the Building drop-down menu.

Building menu


You can limit the metrics available for selection by selecting the desired category in the Category drop-down menu.

Category menu


Select the metric to be viewed in the Metrics drop-down menu.

Metrics menu


You can use the selector at the top of the page to specify a minimum and maximum value for the metric selected, and the buildings within that range are shown on the map. You can change the selector’s minimum and maximum value by dragging the selector to the desired value.



Yearly alarm metrics on big map

With the Yearly alarm metrics on big map template, you can view the desired metric in the alarm category on a yearly basis in map view.

Yearly alarm metrics on big map

You can select one or more buildings to show on the map. Select the buildings in the Building drop-down menu.

Building menu


Select Alarms as the report category.

Category – Alarms


Select the alarm to be viewed in the Metrics drop-down menu.

Metrics drop-down menu


You can use the selector at the top of the page to specify a minimum and maximum value for the metric selected, and the buildings within that range are shown on the map. You can change the selector’s minimum and maximum value by dragging the selector to the desired value.





You can see on the map how the buildings are doing in terms of the KPIs and metrics selected. The Portal uses Google Maps, which includes functions for selecting different views and zooming the map.



The buildings selected for the report show on the map marked with different icons depending on their status in regard to the KPI or metric selected. Click on an icon to see the specific value.


Icon key

Icon Meaning
On target On target
Target exceeded Target exceeded
Data not available Data not available


You can select the KPI you want to view from the bottom left corner. The default KPI is KPI1 as specified in settings. You can change the four options shown on the map by changing the page settings.

KPIs shown on the map


In templates on metrics, the bottom left corner shows the metric selected instead of KPIs.
